Futures Grants


2024 ACCP Foundation Futures Grants:
Mentored Developmental Research Awards



2024 AWARD DECISIONS ANNOUNCED: November 15, 2024

The ACCP Foundation Frontiers Fund supports pharmacy researcher development and pharmacy research advancement. Through the Foundation's Futures Grants program, the Foundation Board of Trustees is especially interested in supporting the development of research skills among student, trainee, and early-career ACCP members with a goal of establishing sustained interest and careers in pharmacy research.

All students, trainees, and junior investigators who are members of ACCP are encouraged to apply.  Futures Grants may range from $5,000 to $40,000, depending on the applicant's eligibility and the proposal’s requisite budget.  Up to $100,000 in mentored, developmental research awards will be granted through the Futures Grants Program in 2024.

Junior Investigator Research Awards
Preference will be given to individuals who have not been awarded significant peer-reviewed extramural funding as the principal investigator, but whose prior experience, career plans, and current professional environment indicate their potential to become successful, independent investigators.

Junior investigators are ACCP members who meet the following criteria:

  1. a fellow, associate, or full member in good standing at the time of the application due date (September 1, 2024), and
  2. at the time of the application due date (September 1, 2024) are in a full-time professional appointment and less than 6 years since completion of education and training, or
  3. at the time of the application due date (September 1, 2024) are in a fellowship training program.

Student & Resident Research Awards
Preference will be given to individuals whose prior experience, career plans, and letters of support indicate an aptitude for research, interest in formalized research training, and a career path with a significant research component.

Student and resident investigators are ACCP student or resident members in good-standing who at the time of the application due date (September 1, 2024) are in a:

  1. Pharm.D., or a dual Pharm.D./Graduate degree program, or
  2. Graduate degree program started immediately following earning an entry-level pharmacy degree (i.e., enter a graduate degree program within 6 months of earning entry-level pharmacy degree), or
  3. Professional pharmacy degree program outside the U.S., or
  4. Pharmacy residency training program.

2024 Junior Investigator App Instructions
Instructions  PDF
Review Criteria  PDF 

2024 Student / Resident App Instructions
Instructions  PDF
Review Criteria  PDF

Futures Grants Online Application (including eligibility tool)

To provide support for the development of research skills among early-career ACCP members with a goal of establishing sustained interest and careers in clinical pharmacy research.

Student & Resident Research Awards
Grants of up to $5000 for students and residents, which are awarded to the mentor.
Scoring Criteria: Scientific merit of project, training and development plan, mentor qualifications and resources, and student/resident qualifications.

Junior Investigator Research Awards
Grants of $10,000 - $40,000 for junior investigators.
Scoring criteria: Scientific merit of proposal, qualifications and resources of primary mentor, mentorship plan, resources and environment, biosketch of investigator, and budget.

Preference will be given to applications that are, consistent with ACCP priority areas (as defined in call for proposals), collaborative, multidisciplinary, and incorporate the ACCP PBRN.

2015 Timeline: Call for Proposals February 1, Letters of Intent due April 1, Applications due June 1, and Awards announced by September 15